my priorities
I have spent hundreds of hours listening to neighbours at community events & at your doorsteps. From this experience, I understand how important it is to have a councillor working collaboratively with residents, local businesses, & community groups.
As your newly-elected Councillor, I commit to providing an open dialogue, using these engagements to set our Ward agenda. I am ready to amplify the voices of Pottageville, Lloydtown, Carrying Place, & Schomberg residents, & will put forward our local issues at King's Municipal Council.
I will endeavour to listen meaningfully to my constituents & encourage community engagement through the Township's platforms while creating opportunities to meet with people in their neighbourhoods.
Responsible Planning
I will promote development that is compatible with surrounding neighbourhoods, respects heritage character, addresses critical housing needs, & complies with the vision set out in the Township's Official Plan.
Protecting Green Space
I will help implement the Township's new Bylaw for the Countryside, respecting the Greenbelt & Oak Ridges Moraine by encouraging density in existing settlements & stewarding agricultural / environmental land.
Complete Communities
I will ensure that Ward 4 remains walkable, connected, vibrant, and full of green space, while supporting King Township's plans for good urban design, sustainability, & responsible land use planning.
Business Employment
I will encourage a vibrant local economy by showcasing local business & tourism initiatives, promoting the priorities of the Economic Development Office, & identifying opportunities for meaningful job creation.
Climate Action
I will work to establish a Community Climate Action Plan, assist in the refresh of our existing Integrated Community Sustainability Plan, & encourage the application of King's Green Development Standards.